General Discussion
An important parametric class of copulas is the class of Archimedean copulas. To define Archimedean copulas, we must take a look at their generators, which are unrelated to spherical generators, and must be $d$-monotone functions.
Generators and d-monotony
Archimedean generators can be defined as follows:
A $d$-Archimedean generator is a $d$-monotone function
\[\phi :\mathbb R_+ \to [0,1]\]
such that $\phi(0) = 1$ and $\phi(+\infty) = 0$.
where the notion of $d$-monotone function is defined (see e.g. [20]) as follows:
A function $\phi$ is said to be $d$-monotone if it has $d-2$ derivatives which satisfy
\[(-1)^k \phi^{(k)} \ge 0 \;\forall k \in \{1,..,d-2\},\]
and if $(-1)^{d-2}\phi^{(d-2)}$ is a non-increasing and convex function.
A function that is $d$-monotone for all $d$ is called completely monotone.
In this package, there is an abstract class Generator
that contains those generators.
The package covers every archimedean generators that exists through a generic implementation of the Williamson d-transform, see the next section.
On the other hand, many parametric Archimedean generators are specifically implemented, see this list of implemented archimedean generator to get an overview of which ones are availiable.
If you do not find the one you need, you may define it yourself by subtyping Generator
. The API does not ask for much information, which is really convenient. Only the two following methods are required:
- The
function returns the value of the archimedean generator itself. - The
returns its maximum monotony, that is the greater integer $d$ making the generator $d$-monotonous.
Thus, a new generator implementation may simply look like:
struct MyGenerator{T} <: Generator
ϕ(G::MyGenerator,t) = exp(-G.θ * t) # can you recognise this one ?
max_monotony(G::MyGenerator) = Inf
These two functions are enough to sample the corresponding Archimedean copula (see how in the Inverse Williamson $d$-transforms section of the documentation). However, if you know a bit more about your generator, implementing a few more simple methods can largely fasten the algorithms. You'll find more details on these methods in the Generator
For example, Here is a graph of a few Clayton Generators:
using Copulas: ϕ,ClaytonGenerator,IndependentGenerator
using Plots
plot( x -> ϕ(ClaytonGenerator(-0.5),x), xlims=(0,5), label="ClaytonGenerator(-0.5)")
plot!(x -> ϕ(IndependentGenerator(),x), label="IndependentGenerator()")
plot!(x -> ϕ(ClaytonGenerator(0.5),x), label="ClaytonGenerator(0.5)")
plot!(x -> ϕ(ClaytonGenerator(1),x), label="ClaytonGenerator(1)")
plot!(x -> ϕ(ClaytonGenerator(5),x), label="ClaytonGenerator(5)")
And the corresponding inverse functions:
using Copulas: ϕ⁻¹,ClaytonGenerator,IndependentGenerator
using Plots
plot( x -> ϕ⁻¹(ClaytonGenerator(-0.5),x), xlims=(0,1), ylims=(0,5), label="ClaytonGenerator(-0.5)")
plot!(x -> ϕ⁻¹(IndependentGenerator(),x), label="IndependentGenerator()")
plot!(x -> ϕ⁻¹(ClaytonGenerator(0.5),x), label="ClaytonGenerator(0.5)")
plot!(x -> ϕ⁻¹(ClaytonGenerator(1),x), label="ClaytonGenerator(1)")
plot!(x -> ϕ⁻¹(ClaytonGenerator(5),x), label="ClaytonGenerator(5)")
— TypeGenerator
Abstract type. Implements the API for archimedean generators.
An Archimedean generator is simply a function $\phi :\mathbb R_+ \to [0,1]$ such that $\phi(0) = 1$ and $\phi(+\infty) = 0$.
To generate an archimedean copula in dimension $d$, the function also needs to be $d$-monotone, that is :
- $\phi$ is $d-2$ times derivable.
- $(-1)^k \phi^{(k)} \ge 0 \;\forall k \in \{1,..,d-2\},$ and if $(-1)^{d-2}\phi^{(d-2)}$ is a non-increasing and convex function.
The access to the function $\phi$ itself is done through the interface:
ϕ(G::Generator, t)
We do not check algorithmically that the proposed generators are d-monotonous. Instead, it is up to the person implementing the generator to tell the interface how big can $d$ be through the function
max_monotony(G::MyGenerator) = # some integer, the maximum d so that the generator is d-monotonous.
More methods can be implemented for performance, althouhg there are implement defaults in the package :
ϕ⁻¹( G::Generator, x)
gives the inverse function of the generator.ϕ⁽¹⁾(G::Generator, t)
gives the first derivative.ϕ⁽ᵏ⁾(G::Generator, k, t)
gives the kth derivative.williamson_dist(G::Generator, d)
gives the Wiliamson d-transform of the generator, see WilliamsonTransforms.jl.
- [20] McNeil, A. J., & Nešlehová, J. (2009). Multivariate Archimedean copulas, d-monotone functions and ℓ 1-norm symmetric distributions.
Note that the rate at which these functions are reaching 0 (and their inverse reaching infinity on the left boundary) can vary a lot from one to the other. Note also that the difference between each of them is easier to grasp on the inverse plot.
Williamson d-transform
An easy way to construct new $d$-monotonous generators is the use of the Williamson $d$-transform.
For a univariate non-negative random variable $X$, with cumulative distribution function $F$ and an integer $d\ge 2$, the Williamson-d-transform of $X$ is the real function supported on $[0,\infty[$ given by:
\[\phi(t) = 𝒲_{d}(X)(t)\]
\[=\int_{t}^{\infty} \left(1 - \frac{t}{x}\right)^{d-1} dF(x)\]
\[= \mathbb E\left( (1 - \frac{t}{X})^{d-1}_+\right) \mathbb 1_{t > 0} + \left(1 - F(0)\right)\mathbb 1_{t <0}\]
In this package, we implemented it through the WilliamsonGenerator
class. It can be used as follows:
WilliamsonGenerator(X::UnivariateRandomVariable, d)
This function computes the Williamson d-transform of the provided random variable $X$ using the WilliamsonTransforms.jl
package. See [20, 21] for the literature.
The $d$-transform of a positive random variable is $d$-monotonous but not $k$-monotonous for any $k > d$. Its max monotony is therefore $d$. This has a few implications, one of the biggest one is that the $d$-variate Archimedean copula that corresponds has no density.
More genrally, if you want your Archimedean copula to have a density, you have to use a generator that is more-monotonous that the dimension of your model.
— TypeWilliamsonGenerator{TX}
– a random variable that represents its Williamson d-transformd::Int
– the dimension of the transformation.
WilliamsonGenerator(X::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution, d)
The WilliamsonGenerator
(alias i𝒲
) allows to construct a d-monotonous archimedean generator from a positive random variable X::Distributions.UnivariateDistribution
. The transformation, which is called the inverse Williamson transformation, is implemented in WilliamsonTransforms.jl.
For a univariate non-negative random variable $X$, with cumulative distribution function $F$ and an integer $d\ge 2$, the Williamson-d-transform of $X$ is the real function supported on $[0,\infty[$ given by:
\[\phi(t) = 𝒲_{d}(X)(t) = \int_{t}^{\infty} \left(1 - \frac{t}{x}\right)^{d-1} dF(x) = \mathbb E\left( (1 - \frac{t}{X})^{d-1}_+\right) \mathbb 1_{t > 0} + \left(1 - F(0)\right)\mathbb 1_{t <0}\]
This function has several properties:
- We have that $\phi(0) = 1$ and $\phi(Inf) = 0$
- $\phi$ is $d-2$ times derivable, and the signs of its derivatives alternates : $\forall k \in 0,...,d-2, (-1)^k \phi^{(k)} \ge 0$.
- $\phi^{(d-2)}$ is convex.
These properties makes this function what is called a d-monotone archimedean generator, able to generate archimedean copulas in dimensions up to $d$. Our implementation provides this through the Generator
interface: the function $\phi$ can be accessed by
G = WilliamsonGenerator(X, d)
Note that you'll always have:
max_monotony(WilliamsonGenerator(X,d)) === d
Inverse Williamson d-transform
The Williamson d-transform is a bijective transformation[1] from the set of positive random variables to the set of generators. It therefore has an inverse transformation (called, surprisingly, the inverse Williamson $d$-transform) that construct the positive random variable R from a generator $\phi$.
This transformation is implemented through one method in the Generator interface that is worth talking a bit about : williamson_dist(G::Generator, d)
. This function computes the inverse Williamson d-transform of the d-monotone archimedean generator ϕ, still using the WilliamsonTransforms.jl
package. See [20, 21].
To put it in a nutshell, for $\phi$ a $d$-monotone archimedean generator, the inverse Williamson-d-transform of $\\phi$ is the cumulative distribution function $F$ of a non-negative random variable $R$, defined by :
\[F(x) = 𝒲_{d}^{-1}(\phi)(x) = 1 - \frac{(-x)^{d-1} \phi_+^{(d-1)}(x)}{k!} - \sum_{k=0}^{d-2} \frac{(-x)^k \phi^{(k)}(x)}{k!}\]
The WilliamsonTransforms.jl
package implements this transformation (and its inverse, the Williamson d-transfrom) in all generality. It returns this cumulative distribution function in the form of the corresponding random variable <:Distributions.ContinuousUnivariateDistribution
from Distributions.jl
. You may then compute :
- The cdf via
- The pdf via
and the logpdf viaDistributions.logpdf
- Samples from the distribution via
As an example of a generator produced by the Williamson transformation and its inverse, we propose to construct a generator from a LogNormal distribution:
using Distributions
using Copulas: i𝒲, ϕ⁻¹, IndependentGenerator
using Plots
G = i𝒲(LogNormal(), 2)
plot(x -> ϕ⁻¹(G,x), xlims=(0.1,0.9), label="G")
plot!(x -> ϕ⁻¹(IndependentGenerator(),x), label="Independence")
The i𝒲
alias stands for WiliamsonGenerator
. To stress the generality of the approach, remark that any positive distribution is allowed, including discrete ones:
using Distributions
using Copulas: i𝒲, ϕ⁻¹
using Plots
G1 = i𝒲(Binomial(10,0.3), 2)
G2 = i𝒲(Binomial(10,0.3), 3)
plot(x -> ϕ⁻¹(G1,x), xlims=(0.1,0.9), label="G1")
plot!(x -> ϕ⁻¹(G2,x), xlims=(0.1,0.9), label="G2")
As obvious from the definition of the Williamson transform, using a discrete distribution produces piecewise-linear generators, where the number of pieces is dependent on the order of the transformation.
Archimedean Copulas
Let's first define formally archimedean copulas:
If $\phi$ is a $d$-monotonous Archimedean generator, then the function
\[C(\bm u) = \phi\left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^d \phi^{-1}(u_i)\right)\]
is a copula.
There are a few archimedean generators that are worth noting since they correspond to known archimedean copulas families:
: $\phi(t) =e^{-t} \text{ generates } \Pi$.ClaytonGenerator
: $\phi_{\theta}(t) = \left(1+t\theta\right)^{-\theta^{-1}}$ generates the $\mathrm{Clayton}(\theta)$ copula.GumbelGenerator
: $\phi_{\theta}(t) = \exp\{-t^{\theta^{-1}}\}$ generates the $\mathrm{Gumbel}(\theta)$ copula.FrankGenerator
: $\phi_{\theta}(t) = -\theta^{-1}\ln\left(1+e^{-t-\theta}-e^{-t}\right)$ generates the $\mathrm{Franck}(\theta)$ copula.
There are a lot of others implemented in the package, see our large list of implemented archimedean generator.
Archimedean copulas have a nice decomposition, called the Radial-simplex decomposition, developed in [20, 22]:
A $d$-variate random vector $\bm U$ following an Archimedean copula with generator $\phi$ can be decomposed into
\[\bm U = \phi.(\bm S R),\]
where $\bm S$ is uniform on the $d$-variate simplex and $R$ is a non-negative random variable, independent form $\bm S$, defined as the inverse Williamson $d$-transform of $\phi$.
This is why williamson_dist(G::Generator,d)
is such an important function in the API: it allows to generator the radial part and sample the Archimedean copula. You may call this function directly to see what distribution will be used:
using Copulas: williamson_dist, FrankCopula
Copulas.WilliamsonFromFrailty{Copulas.Logarithmic{Float64}, 3}(
frailty_dist: Copulas.Logarithmic{Float64}(α=0.9990881180344455, h=-7.0)
For the Frank Copula, as for many classic copulas, the distribution used is known. We pull some of them from Distributions.jl
but implement a few more, as this Logarithmic one. Another useful example are negatively-dependent Clayton copulas:
using Copulas: williamson_dist, ClaytonCopula
Copulas.ClaytonWilliamsonDistribution{Float64, Int64}(θ=-0.2, d=3)
for which the corresponding distribution is known but has no particular name, thus we implemented it under the ClaytonWilliamsonDistribution
It is well-known that completely monotone generators are Laplace transforms of non-negative random variables. This gives rise to another decomposition in [23]:
When $\phi$ is completely monotone, it is the Laplace transform of a non-negative random variable $W$ such that
\[\bm U = \phi(\bm Y / W),\]
where $\bm Y$ is a vector of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) exponential distributions.
The link between the distribution of $R$ and the distribution of $W$ can be explicited. We exploit this link and provide the WilliamsonFromFrailty()
constructor that construct the distribution of $R$ from the distribution of $W$ and returns the corresponding WilliamsonGenerator
from the frailty distribution itself. The corresponding ϕ is simply the laplace transform of $W$. This is another potential way of constructing new archimedean copulas !
We use this fraily approach for several generators, since sometimes it is faster, including e.g. the Clayton one with positive dependence:
using Copulas: williamson_dist, ClaytonCopula
Copulas.WilliamsonFromFrailty{Distributions.Gamma{Float64}, 3}(
frailty_dist: Distributions.Gamma{Float64}(α=0.1, θ=10.0)
— TypeArchimedeanCopula{d, TG}
Fields: - G::TG : the generator <: Generator.
For some Archimedean Generator
and some dimenson d
, this class models the archimedean copula which has this generator. The constructor checks for validity by ensuring that max_monotony(G) ≥ d
. The $d$-variate archimedean copula with generator $\phi$ writes:
\[C(\mathbf u) = \phi^{-1}\left(\sum_{i=1}^d \phi(u_i)\right)\]
The default sampling method is the Radial-simplex decomposition using the Williamson transformation of $\phi$.
There exists several known parametric generators that are implement in the package. For every NamedGenerator <: Generator
implemented in the package, we provide a type alias `NamedCopula{d,...} = ArchimedeanCopula{d,NamedGenerator{...}}
to be able to manipulate the classic archimedean copulas without too much hassle for known and usefull special cases.
A generic archimdean copula can be constructed as follows:
struct MyGenerator <: Generator end
ϕ(G::MyGenerator,t) = exp(-t) # your archimedean generator, can be any d-monotonous function.
max_monotony(G::MyGenerator) = Inf # could depend on generators parameters.
C = ArchimedeanCopula(d,MyGenerator())
The obtained model can be used as follows:
spl = rand(C,1000) # sampling
cdf(C,spl) # cdf
pdf(C,spl) # pdf
loglikelihood(C,spl) # llh
Bonus: If you know the Williamson d-transform of your generator and not your generator itself, you may take a look at WilliamsonGenerator
that implements them. If you rather know the frailty distribution, take a look at WilliamsonFromFrailty
<!– TODO: Make a few graphs of bivariate archimedeans pdfs and cdfs. And provide a few more standard tools for these copulas ? –>
Liouville Copulas
Liouville copulas are coming in this PR :, but the work is not finished.
Archimedean copulas have been widely used in the literature due to their nice decomposition properties and easy parametrization. The interested reader can refer to the extensive literature [24–30, 30–33] on Archimedean copulas, their nesting extensions and most importantly their estimation.
One major drawback of the Archimedean family is that these copulas have exchangeable marginals (i.e., $C(\bm u) = C(\mathrm{p}(\bm u))$ for any permutation $p(\bm u)$ of $u_1,...,u_d$): the dependence structure is symmetric, which might not be a wanted property. However, from the Radial-simplex expression, we can easily extrapolate a little and take for $\bm S$ a non-uniform distribution on the simplex.
Liouville's copulas share many properties with Archimedean copulas, but are not exchangeable anymore. This is an easy way to produce non-exchangeable dependence structures. See [15] for a practical use of this property.
Note that Dirichlet distributions are constructed as $\bm S = \frac{\bm G}{\langle \bm 1, \bm G\rangle}$, where $\bm G$ is a vector of independent Gamma distributions with unit scale (and potentially different shapes: taking all shapes equal yields the Archimedean case).
- [15]
- M.-P. Côté and C. Genest. Dependence in a Background Risk Model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 172, 28–46 (2019).
- [20]
- A. J. McNeil and J. Nešlehová. Multivariate Archimedean Copulas, d -Monotone Functions and L1 -Norm Symmetric Distributions. The Annals of Statistics 37, 3059–3097 (2009).
- [21]
- R. E. Williamson. On multiply monotone functions and their laplace transforms (Mathematics Division, Office of Scientific Research, US Air Force, 1955).
- [22]
- A. J. McNeil. Sampling Nested Archimedean Copulas. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 78, 567–581 (2008).
- [23]
- M. Hofert, M. Mächler and A. J. McNeil. Archimedean Copulas in High Dimensions: Estimators and Numerical Challenges Motivated by Financial Applications. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 154, 25–63 (2013).
- [24]
- M. Hofert. Sampling Nested Archimedean Copulas with Applications to CDO Pricing. Ph.D. Thesis, Universität Ulm (2010).
- [25]
- M. Hofert and D. Pham. Densities of Nested Archimedean Copulas. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 118, 37–52 (2013).
- [26]
- A. J. McNeil and J. Nešlehová. From Archimedean to Liouville Copulas. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 101, 1772–1790 (2010).
- [27]
- H. Cossette, S.-P. Gadoury, E. Marceau and I. Mtalai. Hierarchical Archimedean Copulas through Multivariate Compound Distributions. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 76, 1–13 (2017).
- [28]
- H. Cossette, E. Marceau, I. Mtalai and D. Veilleux. Dependent Risk Models with Archimedean Copulas: A Computational Strategy Based on Common Mixtures and Applications. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 78, 53–71 (2018).
- [29]
- C. Genest, J. Nešlehová and J. Ziegel. Inference in Multivariate Archimedean Copula Models. TEST 20, 223–256 (2011).
- [30]
- E. Di Bernardino and D. Rulliere. On Certain Transformations of Archimedean Copulas: Application to the Non-Parametric Estimation of Their Generators. Dependence Modeling 1, 1–36 (2013).
- [31]
- E. Di Bernardino and D. Rullière. On an Asymmetric Extension of Multivariate Archimedean Copulas Based on Quadratic Form. Dependence Modeling 4 (2016).
- [32]
- K. Cooray. Strictly Archimedean Copulas with Complete Association for Multivariate Dependence Based on the Clayton Family. Dependence Modeling 6, 1–18 (2018).
- [33]
- J. Spreeuw. Archimedean Copulas Derived from Utility Functions. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 59, 235–242 (2014).
- 1This bijection is to be taken carefuly: the bijection is between random variables with unit scales and generators with common value at 1, sicne on both rescaling does not change the underlying copula.