Development roadmap

We hope to implement a few more copula models into this package. The next ones to be implemented will probably be:

  • Liouville
  • Nested Archimedeans (for any generators, with automatic nesting conditions checks).
  • Bernstein copula and more general Beta copula as smoothing of the Empirical copula.
  • CheckerboardCopula (and more generally PatchworkCopula)
  • Give the user the choice of fitting method via fit(dist,data; method="MLE") or fit(dist,data; method="itau") or fit(dist,data; method="irho").
  • Fitting a generic archimedean with an empirically produced generator

Maybe later:

  • NestedArchimedean, with automatic checking of nesting conditions for generators.
  • Vines?
  • Archimax ?
  • BernsteinCopula and BetaCopula could also be implemented.
  • PatchworkCopula and CheckerboardCopula: could be nice things to have :)
  • Goodness of fits tests ?