Extreme Value Copulas
Extreme value copulas are fundamental in the study of rare and extreme events due to their ability to model dependency in situations of extreme risk. This package proposes a wide selection of bivariate extreme values copulas, while multivariate cases are not implemented yet. Feel free to open an issue and/or propose pull requests if you want an implementation of a multivariate case.
The implementation we propose here only deals with bivariate extreme value copulas. Multivariate cases are more tedious to implement, but not impossible: if you want to propose an implementation, we can provide guidance on how to merge it here, do not hesitate to reach us on github.
A bivariate extreme value copula [34] $C$ is a copula that has the following caracteristic property:
\[C(u_1^t, u_2^t)=C(u_1,u_2)^t, t > 0.\]
It can be represented through its stable tail dependence function $\ell(\cdot)$:
\[C(u_1, u_2)=\exp\{-\ell(\log(u_1),\log(u_2))\},\]
or through a convex function $A: [0,1] \to [1/2, 1]$ satisfying $\max(t, t-1)\leq A(t) \leq 1,$ called its Pickands dependence function:
In the context of bivariate extreme value copulas, the functions $\ell$ and $A$ are related as follows:
In our implementation, it is sufficient to provide the Pickands dependence function $A$ to construct the extreme value copula and have it work correctly. Providing the other functions would, of course, improve performances.
In this package, there is an abstract type ExtremeValueCopula
that provides a foundation for defining bivariate extreme value copulas. Many extreme value copulas are already implemented for you! See this list to get an overview.
If you do not find the one you need, you may define it yourself by subtyping ExtremeValueCopula
. The API does not require much information, which is really convenient. Only a method for the pickand function A(C::ExtremeValueCopula) = ...
is required. By providing this functions, you can easily create a new extreme value copula that fits your specific needs:
struct MyExtremeValueCopula{P} <: ExtremeValueCopula{P}
A(C::ExtremeValueCopula, t) = (t^C.θ + (1 - t)^C.θ)^(1/C.θ) # This is the Pickands function of the Logistic (Gumbel) Copula
Advanced Concepts
Here, we present some important concepts from the theory of extreme value copulas that are useful for the development of this package.
Let $(X,Y) \sim C$ where $C$ is a bivariate extreme value copula. We have the following result from [35]:
Let $(X, Y) \sim C$, where $C$ is an extreme value copula. The joint distribution of $X$ and $Z = \frac{\log(X)}{\log(XY)}$ is given by:
\[P(Z \leq z, X \leq x) =G(z,x)=\left(z + z(1-z)\frac{A'(z)}{A(z)}\right)x^{A(z)/z}, \quad 0\leq x,z \leq 1\]
where $A'(z)$ denotes the derivate of function $A(z)$ at point $z.$
Since $A$ is a convex function defined on $[0, 1]$ and satisfies $-1 \leq A'(z) \leq 1$, by extension, we define $A'(1)$ as the supremum of $A'(z)$ over $(0, 1)$. By setting $x = 1$ in the previous result, we obtain the marginal distribution of $Z$: $P(Z \leq z) = G_Z(z) = z + z(1 - z) \frac{A'(z)}{A(z)}, \quad 0 \leq z \leq 1.$
This result was demonstrated by Deheuvels (1991) [36] in the case where $A$ admits a second derivative.
Simulation of Bivariate Extreme Value Distributions
To simulate a bivariate extreme value distribution $C(x, y)$, remark that if $F_1$ and $F_2$ are univariate extreme value distributions, then the pair $( F_1^{-1}(X), F_2^{-1}(Y) )$ is distributed according to a bivariate extreme value distribution. The proposed algorithm in Ghoudi,1998, [35] allows simulating such a distribution.
Assume $A$ has a second derivative, making the distribution absolutely continuous. In this case, $Z$ is also absolutely continuous and has a density $g_Z(z)$ given by:
\[g_Z(z) = \frac{d}{dz} G_Z(z) = 1 + (1 - z)^{-1} \left(A(z) - z A'(z)\right)\]
The conditional distribution of $W$ given $Z$ is:
\[F(w|z) = \frac{1}{g_Z(z)} \frac{d}{dz} F(z, w),\]
which simplifies to:
\[F(w|z) = w \frac{z(1 - z) A'(z)}{A(z) g_Z(z)} + (w - w \log w) \left(1 - \frac{z(1 - z) A''(z)}{A(z) g_Z(z)} \right)\]
Given $Z$, the distribution of $W$ is uniform on $(0, 1)$ with probability $p(Z)$ and equals the product of two independent uniforms on $(0, 1)$ with probability $1 - p(Z)$, where:
\[p(z) = \frac{z(1 - z) A'(z)}{A(z) g_Z(z)}\]
Since $g_Z(z)$ is the derivative of the cumulative distribution function of $Z$, it holds that $0 \leq p(z) \leq 1$.
For the class of Extreme Value Copulas, We follow the methodology proposed by Ghoudi,1998. page 191. [35]. Here, is a detailed algorithm for sampling from bivariate Extreme Value Copulas:
- Simulate $U_1,U_2 \sim \mathcal{U}[0,1]$
- Simulate $Z \sim G_Z(z)$
- Select $W=U_1$ with probability $p(Z)$ and $W=U_1U_2$ with probability $1-p(Z)$
- Return $X=W^{Z/A(Z)}$ and $Y=W^{(1-Z)/A(Z)}$
Note that all functions present in the algorithm were previously defined in previous sections to ensure that the implemented methodology has a solid theoretical basis.
— TypeExtremeValueCopula{P}
Fields: - P::Parameters: Parameters that define the copula.
Constructor: ExtremeValueCopula(P)
Represents a bivariate extreme value copula parameterized by P
. Extreme value copulas are used to model the dependence structure between two random variables in the tails of their distribution, making them particularly useful in risk management, environmental studies, and finance.
In the bivariate case, an extreme value copula can be expressed as:
\[C(u, v) = \exp(-\ell(\log(u), \log(v))).\]
where $\ell(\cdot)$ is a tail dependence function associated with the bivariate extreme value copula. Furthermore, $A(t)$ is a function $A: [0, 1] \to [0.5, 1]$ that is convex on the interval [0,1] and satisfies the boundary conditions $A(0) = A(1) = 1$. This is denominated Pickands representation or Pickands function.
It is possible to relate these functions in the following way
\[\ell(u, v) = \frac{u}{u+v}A\left(\frac{u}{u+v}\right).\]
In this way, in order to define a bivariate copula of extreme values, it is only necessary to introduce the function $A$.
A generic bivariate Extreme Values copula can be constructed as follows:
struct GalambosCopula{P} <: ExtremeValueCopula{P}
A(C::GalambosCopula, t::Real) = 1 - (t^(-C.θ) + (1 - t)^(-C.θ))^(-1/C.θ) # You can define your own Pickands representation
param = 2.5
C = GalambosCopula(param)
The obtained model can be used as follows:
samples = rand(C,1000) # sampling
cdf(C,samples) # cdf
pdf(C,samples) # pdf
- [34] G., & Segers, J. (2010). Extreme-value copulas. In Copula Theory and Its Applications (pp. 127-145). Springer.
- [4] Joe, H. (2014). Dependence Modeling with Copulas. CRC Press.
- [37] Mai, J. F., & Scherer, M. (2014). Financial engineering with copulas explained (p. 168). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- [4]
- H. Joe. Dependence Modeling with Copulas (CRC press, 2014).
- [34]
- G. Gudendorf and J. Segers. Extreme-value copulas. In: Copula Theory and Its Applications: Proceedings of the Workshop Held in Warsaw, 25-26 September 2009 (Springer, 2010); pp. 127–145.
- [35]
- K. Ghoudi, A. Khoudraji and E. L.-P. Rivest. Propriétés statistiques des copules de valeurs extrêmes bidimensionnelles. Canadian Journal of Statistics 26, 187–197 (1998).
- [36]
- P. Deheuvels. On the limiting behavior of the Pickands estimator for bivariate extreme-value distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters 12, 429–439 (1991).
- [37]
- J.-F. Mai and M. Scherer. Financial engineering with copulas explained (Springer, 2014).