ConvexCombCopula class
An instance of the ConvexCombCopula
S4 class. The object represent the copula that results from a convex combinaison of other copulas, and can be used through several methods to query classical (r/d/p/v)Copula methods, etc.
The ConvexCombcopula class is used to build convex combinations of copulas, with given positives weights. The rCopula and pCopula functions works for those copulas, assuming they work for the given copulas that we combined in a convex way.
See the corresponding vignette for more details about the implementation.
dataset <- apply(LifeCycleSavings,2,rank)/(nrow(LifeCycleSavings)+1)
copulas <- list(
alpha <- c(1,4)
(cop <- ConvexCombCopula(copulas,alpha))
#> This is a ConvexCombCopula , with :
#> dim = 2
#> number of copulas = 2
#> alpha = 0.2 0.8
#> sub-copulas can be accessed trhough the @copulas slot