Copula constructorsFunctions that construct a copula object (and corresponding S4 classes), that can be (generally) builded from data and parameters. |
Cort copulas |
Bagged Cort copulas |
Convex Combination of copulas. |
Checkerboard copulas |
Checkerboards with known margins |
(r/d/p/v)Copula functionsRandom number generation, density, cdf, and volume functions for the copulas. |
Copula random generation |
Copula density |
Copula cdf |
Copula volume on hyper-boxes |
Usefull methodsSome S4 methods that are included as convenience functions |
Spearman's rho matrix of a copula |
Kendall's tau matrix of a copula |
Kendall function of a copula (if it has one) |
Loss of a copula estimation (if the model has one) |
Projection on smaller dimensions of a copula (if implemented) |
Quadratic norm of the model (if it has one) |
Quadratic product of two copulas (if they have one) |
Quadratic product with data of the model (if it has one) |
Constraint influence of the model (if it has one) |
DatasetsFour simulated datasets are included for testing and demonstration purposes |
Dataset funcdep_data |
Dataset clayton_data |
Dataset impossible_data |
Dataset recoveryourself_data |