Cort class
p_value_for_dim_red = 0.75,
min_node_size = 1,
pseudo_data = FALSE,
number_max_dim = NULL,
verbose_lvl = 1,
slsqp_options = NULL,
osqp_options = NULL,
N = 999,
force_grid = FALSE
The data, must be provided as a matrix with each row as an observation.
a p_value for the localized dimension reduction test
The minimum number of observation available in a leaf to initialize a split.
set to True if you are already providing data on the copula space.
The maximum number of dimension a split occurs in. Defaults to be all of the dimensions.
numeric. set the verbosity. 0 for no output and bigger you set it the most output you get.
options for nloptr::slsqp to find breakpoints : you can change defaults.
options for the weights optimization. You can pass a call to osqp::osqpSettings, or NULL for defaults.
The number of bootstrap samples for p_values computations.
Set to TRUE to force breakpoints to be on the n-checkerboard grid.
An instance of the Cort
S4 class. The object represent the fitted copula and can be used through several methods to query classical (r/d/p/v)Copula methods, constraint influence, etc.
Beside returning some inputted parameters, notable slots are :
Your original data
The dimension of problem, number of columns of your dataset
The empirical frequency in the leaves
The fitted probabilities of each leaf
Minimum points of leaves
Maximum points of leaves
Volume of the leaves
More details about these slots can be found in the reference.
This class implements the CORT algorithm to a fit a multivariate copula using piece constant density. Given a dataset x
, the function will produce an estimator for the copula of this dataset
that is tree-shaped, by recursive partitioning of the unit hypercube. the min_node_size
parameter controls the stopping conditions for the splitting procedure. Once the space is splitted,
we ran a quadratic solver, which options can be tweaked via the osqp_options
parameter, to ensure that the weights respect the copula conditions.
Once the model is fitted, it can be used through the classical (r/d/p/v)Copula functions to compute, respectively, random number generations, the density, the cdf and the volume function of the copula.
See O. Laverny, E. Masiello, V. Maume-Deschamps and D. Rullière (2020) for the details of this density estimation procedure, and vignettes(package='cort')
for examples of usecases.
#> Splitting...
#> 1 leaves to split...
#> 5 leaves to split...
#> 10 leaves to split...
#> 1 leaves to split...
#> Enforcing constraints...
#> Done !
#> Cort copula model: 50x3-dataset and 91 leaves.